The most exciting party I went to during the Congressional Black Caucus week in Washington DC was the Second Annual "Evening of Excellence" gala hosted by ESSENCE Magazine and Southern Company, which honored advocates and architects of change. En Vogue (pictured above) gave an amazing performance, and have completed their 8th album, looking forward to it! Honorees of the evening were Warrick Dunn, Shelia Johnson, Judge Glenda Hatchett, Rodney and Holly Robinson Peete. I ran into my friend Nicey Nash (we were in the film "Guess Who" together), who was with her handsome new fiancĂ©. I’m so happy for her! The party was at the Ronald Reagan building. I saw many friends from California, from actors, politicians, media folks and philanthropists. It was a long affair, with a cocktail reception, award ceremony, live music, and then next door was the after party with drinking, food and dancing!
with friend actress Nicey Nash
Rev Al Sharpton
Holly Robinson Peete and her husband Rodney were honored for their charity work at the Essence event
Two of the "Real Housewives of DC" (Stacie Scott Turner & Paul Wharton) sat at our table at the Essence event last night!