New Media Needs Old Media

Do you want a utility -- say, a mobile telephone company -- creating the content that is on your future mobile device? Do you think they have what it takes to produce compelling content or should they just stick to efficient and economical delivery of content? With technology becoming the leading edge for everything Internet or mobile, one would think utilities are qualified to be the creative force that markets mobile media. Not so fast. They've failed miserably. The greatest provider of content on the face of this earth is still traditional media. They act like they forget this as they wade into the unfamiliar and uncharted turf of the Internet and a demanding, new generation. Yet it remains true. Radio produces content in real time 24 hours a day on 12,000 plus radio stations. Television and production companies create high quality video programs to meet the almost unquenchable thirst of today's consumer. Newspapers have never been in jeopardy of losing their ability to provide content in the written word -- just the foresight to get beyond the printed broad sheet. What we have here is the failure to innovate. Content creation is not natural to utilities and technology companies. Embracing new technology does not come easy to traditional media. Both have to realize their limitations. And both would be wise to recognize their upsides. Even Apple Computer is an old school company that has adapted to technology. Not satisfied to be a computer company like Dell or Toshiba. The Internet revolution needs the old school and the old school media companies need to rethink their content for a new generation. This is a problem. Both have failed to do so to date and both will fail to realize their full potential if they don't do so in the future.