Texting Getting Out of Hand

Pardon the pun. It's a vile habit of young people driven to distraction by the mobile media they are addicted to. It is equally also a very rude habit of older people who whip out their Palms and Blackberries while you are talking to them, eating or trying to communicate with them face-to-face. The texting craze can be harnessed by the media to get instant input, participation or even -- with some imagination -- instant sales. But the one or two finger tap is the potential enemy in my view. Old and new technology can compete in this new age by emphasizing content, but how are they to compete with repeated distractions that have very little to do with entertainment? Even texters who readily admit to their superior multitasking abilities show some encouraging early signs of tiring. If big bad mobile phone companies wanted to invent the killer app to hurt music media they'd invent texting. But wait, they already did. Texting may be a generational glitch not holy grail. Music media's best hope is that future generations will tire of it. And least it had better hope so because there is little they can do about it. If future generations continue the texting craze it will be hard to get their undivided attention for entertainment and this could be a big consideration going forward.