Thanks, but…

I’ve now been fielding interview requests about this post from The Agenda, CBC, and other organizations, which I will respectfully decline. There’s not much more to offer on it at this end, as I’m no expert in journalism ethics, crowdsourcing, or how the industry works.

I appreciate that mainstream media want to discuss the issues, and thank the tweeters from all quarters and across the spectrum, but I leave it to others with more expertise.  I’m sure journalism profs or other media experts can provide more insights and knowledgeable comment - and the public can weigh in on that.

It was also not my intent to embarrass anyone.  I would have preferred that the issues be dealt with consistently, and in a straightforward way, directly with the publications involved.  I hope that in future, when members of the public raise concerns, that will happen, and that a positive, respectful conversation can take place. 

p.s. Comments are much appreciated but need to be kept respectful (or they'll be removed).  Repost at will with thoughts that don't invite contempt (or other things).